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Adelyn "Addy" Greenberg |
Thu Dec 12th at 1:00 IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL | |
Cathy Rosenthal |
Wed Dec 11th at 12:00 IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL | |
Allan Perchikoff |
Wed Dec 11th at 2:30 Graveside at Beth El Memorial Park | |
Ruth Goldberg |
Arrangements in Your Home: Convenience at a Time of Need
Professionals at THE IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL provide personal support tailored to each situation. That's why we don't use an answering service and start by asking: "Where would you like to meet?"
Unlike most Jewish funeral homes, we meet wherever families prefer. Most arrangements for services, casket selection and burial are discussed in the familiar comfort of a home setting.
When you need us, just tell us where you'd like to talk.
Main Chapel: Used for most services, it accommodates up to 550 people. The family room provides comfort and privacy before the funeral and can be used during the service.
Garden Chapel: Alternative when up to 60 people are expected.
Live Webcast: Those unable to attend because of distance, weather or infirmity can see and hear the service, thanks to a pioneering, no-cost option. A camera, which does not intrude on the dignity of the observance, allows viewing from any Internet connection worldwide. Services are archived for later viewing and families receive a DVD.
Alternative Site: We arrange services at any temple or synagogue and offer private family services.
Cemetery Chapels
Clover Hill Park: The Davidson/Hermelin Chapel in Birmingham, seating 175 people, is an indoor option for families wanting to forego a funeral procession, but reluctant to have a graveside service.
Machpelah Cemetery: A chapel, with seating up to 100, also is available at this Ferndale site.
Graveside Service: We offer this option during appropriate seasons for families desiring a relatively private service, though weather and seating needs are considerations.